Project Instruction

Write three SQL queries to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the most popular transport types, measured by the total number of journeys? The output should contain two columns, 1) JOURNEY_TYPE and 2) TOTAL_JOURNEYS_MILLIONS, and be sorted by the second column in descending order. Save the query as most_popular_transport_types.

  2. Which five months and years were the most popular for the Emirates Airline? Return an output containing MONTH, YEAR, and JOURNEYS_MILLIONS, with the latter rounded to two decimal places and aliased as ROUNDED_JOURNEYS_MILLIONS. Exclude null values and save the result as emirates_airline_popularity.

  3. Find the five years with the lowest volume of Underground & DLR journeys, saving as least_popular_years_tube. The results should contain the columns YEAR, JOURNEY_TYPE, and TOTAL_JOURNEYS_MILLIONS.

Three SQL cells have been created for you in the workbook. To access the Snowflake database, you will need to select data using the syntax FROM TFL.JOURNEYS (ensure you use upper-case).

Note: Please also ensure that you do not change the names of the DataFrames that the three query results will be saved as - creating new cells in the workbook will rename the DataFrame (see image below). Make sure that your final solutions use the names provided: most_popular_transport_types, emirates_airline_popularity, and least_popular_years_tube.

Exploring London's Travel Network
